Field Manual:
LeBuhn, G., S. Droege, E. Connor, B. Gemmill-Herren, N. Azzu and the contributors to the Handy Bee Manual. 2015. Protocol to Detect and Monitor Pollinator Communities: Guidance for Practitioners. UN: Food and Agriculture Organization. Rome, Italy.
Accepted or Published journal articles.
LeBuhn, G., E. Connor, M. Brand, J. Coville, K. Devkota, R. Thapa, M. Kasina, R. Joshi, K. Aidoo, P. Kwapong, C. Annoh, P. Bosu, M. Rafique. 2016. Monitoring Pollinators Around the World. In “Pollination Services to Agriculture” ed. Barbara Gemmill-Herren. Routledge.
*Colloran, B. and G. LeBuhn. 2015. The Benefits of Meadow Restoration for Pollinators. In: T. Root and K. Hall.
Wiggins, A., Bonney, R., LeBuhn, G., Parrish, J.K. and Weltzin, J.F., 2018. A Science Products Inventory for Citizen-Science Planning and Evaluation. BioScience.
Owens, M.T., Trujillo, G., Seidel, S.B., Harrison, C.D., Farrar, K.M., Benton, H.P., Blair, J.R., Boyer, K.E., Breckler, J.L., Burrus, L.W. Byrd, D.T and many others (including LeBuhn)., 2018. Collectively Improving Our Teaching: Attempting Biology Department–wide Professional Development in Scientific Teaching. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 17(1), p.ar2.
Ryan, W.H., Gornish, E.S., Christenson, L., Halpern, S., Henderson, S., LeBuhn, G. and Miller,T.E., 2017. Initiating & Managing Long-Term Data with Amateur Scientists. The American Biology Teacher, 79(1), pp.28-34.
Hudson, L.N., Newbold, T., Contu, S., Hill, S.L., Lysenko, I., De Palma, A., Phillips, H.R., Alhusseini, T.I., Bedford, F.E., Bennett, D.J. and Booth, H., and many others (including LeBuhn). 2017. The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project. Ecology and Evolution, 7(1), pp.145-188.
Krauel, J.J. and LeBuhn, G., 2016. Patterns of Bat Distribution and Foraging Activity in a Highly Urbanized Temperate Environment. PloS one, 11(12), p.e0168927. Biodiversity in a Changing Climate: Linking Science and Management in Conservation. Univ. of California Press. Berkeley.
Potter, A., and LeBuhn, G. 2015. Pollination service to urban agriculture in San Francisco, CA. Urban Ecosystems 1-9.
*Derugin, V. V., Silveira, J. G., Golet, G. H. and LeBuhn, G. 2015. Response of medium- and large-sized terrestrial fauna to corridor restoration along the middle Sacramento River. Restoration Ecology. doi: 10.1111/rec.12286
LeBuhn, G., Sam Droege, Edward F. Connor, Barbara Gemmill-Herren, Simon G. Potts, Robert L. Minckley, Robert P. Jean et al. 2015. Evidence-based conservation: reply to Tepedino et al. Conservation Biology 29:283-285.
LeBuhn, G. 2014. Conservation Biology and More. Ecology 95:582-58. (Book Review).
Wiggins, A., Bonney, R., Graham, E., Henderson, S., Kelling, S., Littauer, R., LeBuhn, G., Lotts, K., Michener, W., Newman, G., Russell, E., Stevenson, R. & Weltzin, J. 2013. Data ManagementGuideforPublicParticipationinScientific Research.DataONE:Albuquerque, NM.
LeBuhn, G., S. Droege, E. Connor and many others. 2013. Detecting insect pollinator declines on regional and global scales. Conservation Biology 1:113-120.
*Goodman, R. G. LeBuhn, N. Seavy, T.Gardali and J. Bluso-Demers. 2012. Avian body size changesandclimatechange:warmingorincreasingvariability? GlobalChangeBiology 1:63-73.
Oberhauser, K. and G. LeBuhn. 2012. Insects and Plants: Engaging Undergraduates in Authentic Research via Citizen Science. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2012;10:318-320.
*Zhang, H. M. *Korayern, D.J. Crandall, and G. LeBuhn. 2012. Mining photo-sharing websitestostudyecologicalphenomena. Abstractsubmittedto2012 ACMWSDM Conference Seattle, Washington, USA.
Droege, S. V. Tepedino, G. LeBuhn, W. Link, R. L. Minckley, Q. Chen, C. Conrad. 2010. North American Bowl Trap Evaluation 1. Spatial Patterns of Captures of Bees. Journal of Insect Conservation and Diversity. 3:15-23.
Krauel, J.J. & LeBuhn, G., 2009. Foraging Ecology of Bats in San Francisco, California. Bat Research News 50 (4):117A.
Winfree, R. R. Aguilar*, D. Vazquez, G. LeBuhn and M. Aizen. 2009. A meta- analysis of bees’ responses to anthropogenic disturbance. Ecology 90: 2068-2076.
Krauel, J.J., and LeBuhn, G., 2008. San Francisco’s Other Dining Scene: Foraging Ecology of Urban Bats. Bat Research News 49:136A.
LeBuhn, G. and C. Fenter*. 2008. Landscape context influences bumble bee communities in oakwoodlandhabitats.Pages301-306inA.Merenlender,D. McCreary,andK.Purcell, technicalcoordinators.Proceedingsofthe6th Californiaoaksymposium:today's challenges,tomorrow'sopportunities.9-12 October2006;RohnertPark,CA.Gen.Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Reynolds, M. , T. Gardali, M. Merrifield*, R. Hirsch-Jacobsen*, A. Armstrong, D. Wood, J.
Hudson, L. and many others including LeBuhn. 2014. The PREDICTS database: a global database of how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human impacts." Ecology and evolution 4.24:47014735.
Smith, E. Heaton*, and G. LeBuhn. 2008. Reproductive Success of Oak Woodland Birds in Sonoma and Napa Counties, California Pages 433-436. in A. Merenlender, D. McCreary, and K. Purcell, technical coordinators. Proceedings of the 6th California oak symposium: today's challenges, tomorrow's opportunities. 9-12 October 2006; Rohnert Park, CA. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Departmentof Agriculture.
*Chess,S.,R.RagusoandG.LeBuhn.2008.Divergenceinfloralscentand morphologyof Linanthus dichotomus. American Journal of Botany 95:1652-1659.
*Clarke, K., B. Fisher, and G. LeBuhn. 2008. The influence of urban park characteristics on ant (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) communities. Urban ecosystems 11:317-334.
Krauel, J.J., G. Reyes, and G. LeBuhn. 2007. Influence of waterproof casings on Pettersson D240X acoustic bat monitoring performance. Bat Research News 44 (4):246A.
Packer, L., Gravel, A-I*. , and G. LeBuhn. 2007. Phenology and Sociobiology of Halictus tripartitus (Seladonia). J. Hym. Res.16:281-292
*Hatfield, R. and G. LeBuhn. 2007. Patch and landscape factors shape community assemblage of bumble bees, Bombus spp. (Hymenoptera: Apidae), in montane meadows. Biological Conservation 139:150-158.
Weller, S. G., C. A. Dominguez, F. E. Molina-Freaner, J. Fornoni, and G. LeBuhn. 2007. The Evolution of Heterostyly in Populations of Oxalis alpine in the Sky Islands of the Sonoran Desert. American Journal of Botany. 94: 972-985.
*Chaves, J., J. Pollinger, T. B. Smith and G. LeBuhn. 2007. The role of geography and ecology inshapingthephylogeographyofthespeckled hummingbird(Adelomyiamelanogenys)in Ecuador. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43:795-807.
Kremen, C., N. Williams, M. A. Aizen, B. Gemmill-Herren, G. LeBuhn, R. Minckley, L. Packer, S. G. Potts, T. Roulston, I. Steffan-Dewenter, D. Vazquez, R. Winfree, L. Adams, E. E.Crone, S. S. Greenleaf, T. H. Keitt, A. Klein, J. Regetz, T. Ricketts. 2007. Pollination in agricultural ecosystems. Ecology Letters. 6: 1077-1083.
LeBuhn, G. and M. Reynolds 2006. The little things that run the world. Ecology 87:531-532 (book review).
*McFrederick, Q. and G. LeBuhn. 2006. Are urban parks refuges for bumble bees, Bombus spp. (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Biological Conservation 129:372-382.
LeBuhn,G.,S.Droege,andM.Carboni*.2006.Monitoringmethodsforsolitary beespecies in North America. State of the Worlds’ Pollinators Report. UN- FAO. Available at http://www.fao.org/AG/agp/agps/C-CAB/Castudies/pdf/1- 007.pdf
Smith, J. I., M. D. Reynolds, and G. LeBuhn. 2005. Warbling Vireo Productivity and Key Nest- siteCharacteristicsintheNorthernSierra.Journal ofFieldOrnithology76:383-389.
Weis, A.E., J. Winterer, T.A. Kossler*, C.Y. Young, C. Vacher and G. LeBuhn. 2004. Phenologicalassortativematinginplants:causesandconsequencesofits inherent frequency-dependence. Evolutionary Ecology Research 7:161-181.
Smith, J. I., M. D. Reynolds, and G. LeBuhn. 2004. Warbling Vireo Nesting Ecology in the Northern Sierra Nevada. Western Birds 35:32-41.
LeBuhn, G. Bees in a vineyard landscape. 2004. Oaks and Folks 18:7. (available online at: http://danr.ucop.edu/ihrmp/oak127.htm).
LeBuhn, G. 2004. Seasonal variation in reproductive traits in Ipomopsis longiflora
(Polemoniaceae), a desert annual. Canadian Journal of Botany 82:401-408.
Harding, E.E., B.D. Elderd, J. Hoekstra, A. McKerrow, J. Perrin, J. Regetz, L. Rissler, A. Stanley,
E. Walters, and NCEAS HCP Working Group (including LeBuhn). (2001). The scientific foundationsofhabitatconservationplans:a quantitativeassessment.ConservationBiology 15: 488-500.
LeBuhn, G. and T. E. Miller. 2001. Population viability. In: McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. McGraw Hill Publishing. New York.
Mazer,S.J.andG.LeBuhn.1999.Geneticvariationinlifehistorytraits: Evidencewithinand among populations and lessons learned. In: Life history evolution in plants (Vuorisal, T. and P. Mutikainen. Es.) Kluwer Academic Dordrecht. The Netherlands.
Kareiva,P.andmanyothers(includingLeBuhn).1999.Thescientificbasisof Habitat Conservation Planning under the Endangered Species Act. Available at: http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu.
Miller, T. E. and G. LeBuhn. 1998. The ecological detective – Confronting models with data. Science 281:788. (book review).
LeBuhn G. and K. Holsinger. 1998. A sensitivity analysis of pollen dispensing schedules. Evolutionary Ecology. 12:111-121.
LeBuhn,G.1996.Timingiseverythingnewdirectionsinfloralphenology. TrendsinEcology and Evolution 121: 1-3.
LeBuhn,G.1995.EcologyandEvolutionofPlantreproduction:New approaches,Plant Genetics Newsletter 10: 31. (book review).
LeBuhn, G. and. G. J. Anderson. 1994. Anther tripping and pollen dispensing in Berberis thunbergii. American Midland Naturalist 131:257-265.